Folder Sharing lets you give others access to your mail folders. You specify which folder, and the level of access, that is, whether the delegate can simply see items in a folder, or whether they can create, edit, and/or delete items.

If you are sharing any folder other than your Inbox, be sure to follow the steps in both part one and part two below.

Part One - Sharing the contents of a folder

This example shares your Inbox, but you can share any mail folder on the Exchange server. If you share a folder other than your Inbox, be sure to follow the steps in Part Two below.

1. In the Navigation Pane, click Mail.

2. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the folder you want to share. You cannot share a local folder.

3. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Properties.

4. Go to the "Permissions" tab, and click Add.

5. In the field at the top of the Add Users dialog box, type all or part of the person's first or last name. Accounts that match what you typed will be displayed. Click on the person you want to share with, then click Add.

6. Click OK.

7. Back on the Folder Properties dialog box, click on the person's name, then choose from the Permission Level drop-down list.
- If you just want to let your delegate read your messages, use Reviewer.
- If you want them to read AND be able to drop messages into a folder, use Non-editing Author.

8. Click OK.


he recipient will be able to view your shared mail folder.

Part Two - Making higher-level folders visible

If you only shared your Inbox in Part One above, you do not need to read any further or do any of the steps here in Part Two.

If you shared something other than your Inbox, that is, a folder lower in the hierarchy, you'll also need to make the "parents" of that folder visible, right up to the Inbox. Your delegate will not be able to see the items in each folder unless you use the steps above, but they need to be able to see the folders themselves in order to see the sub-folder where you want them to see the contents. The steps here are similar to part one (above), but the

Permission Level for a parent folder should be set to "None" with "Folder Visible" checked.

If the folder you shared in part one is further down the hierarchy, then you need to repeat part two for each level of the hierarchy.

For example, if you shared 2nd quarter, you'd need to repeat part two for Inbox, Proposals, and 2007.