How to Configure POP or IMAP on a BlackBerry OS BB10 Device
1. On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap "Settings".
2. Tap "Accounts" in the system settings.
3. Tap "Add Account" on the bottom.
4. Tap "Email, Calendar and Contacts".
5. Type the email address and tap "Advanced". On the BlackBerry Z10, it looks like a fading icon after going between the email address fields on the virtual keyboard.
6. In the Advanced Setup menu, tap either "POP" or "IMAP".
7. Complete the required account information and settings (depending upon your selection) and tap "Done".
These pictures have general settings which may not reflect what you'll be putting in. For the IMAP SMTP server, the correct address looks more like this;
IMAP Server:
IMAP Port (SSL): 993
SMTP Serve:
SMTP Port: 587
SMTP Authentication: Requires authentication
SMTP Secure Connection: TLS (If TLS is not available, use SSL)
8. A notice may populate Provider Identity Not Available. Tap "Continue".
10. Swipe from left to right to access the BlackBerry "Hub", the button at the top, then again to select the email account.