If you purchased a stand-alone version of Office 2016 for Mac and later upgraded to Office 365 Premium (license offering the latest version of Office 2016), the updated features may not work.
This is because the license of Office 2016 on your Mac is still attached to the old standalone version. There are a couple of ways to fix this.
This issue will not apply:
- If you are installing Office 365 Premium on a new computer.
- If you rebuilt your Mac OSX. Fresh installation
If the above does not apply, simply follow the instructions below to fix this issue.
- Close all Office applications
- Download the license removal from Microsoft from HERE or see the attached file.
- Enter your computer credentials if needed.
- Start any of the Office 2016 applications
- Enter your Office 365 login to update the license.
- Start any of the Office 2016 application and all new features will now be available